As a Congregational church, Meadowbrook traces its roots to the Pilgrims: the mothers and fathers of Congregationalism moved from early 17th-century England to the “new” world in pursuit of religious freedom. Those daring people believed they should be free to interpret scriptures for themselves and do so responsibly.
Like the Mayflower, each Congregational church is its own ship, autonomous and self-governing. We are not bound by any formal statement of faith or creed. We promote study and reflection that strengthen minds and soften hearts. Our sacraments are open to all because God affirms, loves, and welcomes all.
Just as the Pilgrims had a compact, our community of faith is brought together by a covenant — a promise to serve God by Jesus the Christ’s light and support one another in our journey of faith.
Serving the area since 1982, Meadowbrook invites you to come aboard and experience God’s love and grace.

Our Vision
Meadowbrook Congregational Church is a “safe harbor” along a person’s spiritual journey. We are a church who promotes critical thinking about faith, allowing individuals to bring diverse views and questions.
We use scripture and Christian tradition not as a source of easy answers or judgment but as inspirations in grace to encourage exploration and deeper thinking about God’s intention for our lives and our modern world.
We seek to be the Body of Christ: we put into practice Jesus’s teaching in the words and actions of our ministry together.

Our History: From City Roots to the Suburbs
Meadowbrook’s roots began at Bushnell Congregational Church in Detroit. The imposing structure near the corner of Southfield and Grand River once boasted thousands of members and a Sunday school enrollment of 1,500. The church formed a study committee in the late 1960s to consider moving the church to the northwestern suburbs.
In the early 1980s, a group of about 60 Bushnell members began meeting at Novi’s Village Oaks School and then in New School Church in Northville’s Mill Race Historical Village.
In 1983 ground was broken for a new church building at Meadowbrook and Broquet roads in Novi. The first service in the new multi-purpose Fellowship Hall/Meeting House was held in 1984. It soon became apparent that not all of the members of Bushnell wanted to move from Detroit and the membership voted to separate, thus creating a new church in Novi in 1986 — Meadowbrook Congregational Church. The church continued to grow and a sanctuary (Meeting House) was built and dedicated in 1992 and a Christian education wing was added in 2004. Meadowbrook Congregational Church continues to be an active participant in serving the Novi, Northville and surrounding communities.
A Congregational church is a community of God’s faithful people, gathered together for worship, service, learning, outreach, and spiritual growth. Congregationalists are guided by God’s authority found in Christian scripture rather than by creeds or canon.
We value and are dependent upon free-thinking and upon individual exploration in the life of faith. In Congregationalism, there is a wide diversity of thought and belief. Our way calls us to responsible faith as we seek to grow in discipleship and become who God calls us to be.
Congregationalism in America traces its roots to the Pilgrims who bravely risked their lives to worship freely and to interpret God’s word for themselves. The Mayflower Compact was a cornerstone document in the building of democracy in America. Congregationalists have historically supported education—founding Harvard, Yale, and other colleges, universities and seminaries. Additionally, the first female clergyperson, the Rev. Antoinette Brown, was ordained by an American Congregationalist church in the mid-19th century.
We invite you to come and experience the Congregational way of faith, freedom, and fellowship at Meadowbrook Congregational Church. Meadowbrook is a member of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches.

Courtesy of Pilgrim Hall Museum, Plymouth, MA