It’s time to consider our individual commitments once again through our annual pledge drive. Join us – let’s lace up our shoes, get out onto the field, and get In The Game. On a team (no matter the sport), everyone brings their individual strengths to the playing field – but it’s only by working together that the team can thrive.
Your Stewardship Ministry Team has several energizing events planned for the year ahead that will inspire us all to engage with the many ministries of Meadowbrook by using the blessings God has given each of us.
By now you should have received materials in the mail, including an estimate of giving card (extra copies are in the narthex @ Meadowbrook). You can either submit it electronically by sending it to the office or bring your card with you to Worship on Consecration Sunday, Nov. 5, to be blessed together. New this year, we have included ways for those interested to request additional information on Planned Giving and other giving opportunities.
Thank you for your support!
Your Stewardship Ministry Team,
Cathy Blackmer, Heidi Boyd, Pastor Joel Boyd, Michele Fecht, Colleen Foster, and Carol Riddell